Wednesday, June 3, 2009

E3 2009 Preview: MMOFPS Parabellum

“Parabellum” is an upcoming free-to-play MMOFPS. Why the name “Parabellum?” Two reasons. First, it's the name of the first 9mm cartridge for pistols. More importantly, however, it's derived from the Latin saying si vis pacem, para bellum, meaning “If you want peace, prepare for war.” A phrase that perfectly describes the game's world.

Despite the MMOFPS moniker, “Parabellum” isn't quite a massively multiplayer game. Instead of one shared world, players will have their own social areas that they can build and enjoy, such as HQs, where their friends can hang out and get together to play the game.

How will they play? That depends. The game does feature a campaign mode which was described as exciting and unique, but little information was revealed at this time. What we do know is that the campaign is “like the TV show 24.” Will players play anti-terrorist specialists, or Jack Bauer himself? Who knows.

That's unlikely, though, as character customization is a large portion of the game's appeal. Players will be able to completely customize all sorts of gear for their avatars. From snowy camo to punk rock apparel, much is possible in the world, especially when you can edit the colors and texture of the piece. Obviously, being a free-to-play MMOFPS microtransactions will give players the ability to get some different pieces; but the good news is they'll get nothing unique. Anything you can buy, you can earn by playing. Paying just gives it to you sooner and with less time required.

Not only can players fully customize their character's apparel, but weapons are also customizable. With approximately 30 weapons at launch, there's already going to be a big selection. What you can do, however, will ensure that your weapon matches your theme. Have a punk rock guy? Then go ahead and make your AK-47 gold-coated with a pink laser sight.

The non-campaign portion of the game is heavily based on instances by selecting a map, and then duking it out with other players. (In other words, traditional FPS multiplayer.) Right now, in the closed beta, there are 4 maps available, but at launch there will be 10-12, all based on real areas of New York City, which the developers have used as inspiration for their launch zones.

Eventually, new cities will be added, with new maps. Which cities? No one knows yet, but examples of both American and international hotspots were cited as possibilities, should demand for a new area be high enough.

Playing the game, it felt just like other high profile shooters. Players could shoot to kill with headshots, there were plenty of sniping and ambush opportunities available in the back alley level, and each person truly did look unique. Ultimately will “Parabellum” have enough to entice gamers who are already playing multiplayer FPS games that they've loved for years? That's the million dollar question. But compared to many of the free MMOFPS games I've played over the years, this is definitely near the top of the list in terms of quality and depth – and it's not even finished yet.

Posted by Brendon Lindsey

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