Saturday, May 2, 2009

IGG clears up '2029' alpha key confusion

IGG's "2029 Online" isn't even close to complete; in fact, it hasn't even entered that "done but not really" part of development called the "beta." Well, that's half true. The sci-fi MMORPG with three strikingly different races is (once again) preparing to enter alpha test, and publisher IGG wants you to come and participate. They need your help so bad the only way to receive a key is by winning an event in the official forums. (I'd also like to add that people are having so many troubles figuring this ordeal out that IGG has created an FAQ on the game's official site.)

Scoot on over to the "2029 Online" forums if that sounds neato to you, but please think about it first. Let's take a look at the latest event, for example. Owners of the top 10 best pieces of fan art will be given a few keys, which are then used for the alpha, which is a time when you, the player, are testing the developer's game without pay. Typically after the alpha is over, and after many individuals have spent dozens, even hundreds, of hours in that virtual world, all player progress is wiped and everyone begins with a new slate for the beta.

Does anyone see anything maybe a little "effed up" about this?

I understand some of you may enjoy being one of the first participants in a new sci-fi MMORPG, but the game's not even complete. Is it really that much fun playing a broken game?

Whatever. Maybe your uncle Kyle's just a bitter and crazy loon. Go have fun with your whirligigs and doodads.

Posted by Kyle Stallock

May 1st, 2009

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